Bulk Analyze Hundreds of Technical Drawings With Drag and Drop
This month, I’m excited to inform you that we have made another big step in accelerating our customers' AM journey.
Most of our customers have a strategy to digitize their spare-part portfolio and produce more parts on demand. However, there is one challenge: they often don’t have all the necessary data available, such as 3D files, but they do have technical drawings.
With the newest 3YOURMIND version, we help customers digitize their parts faster by automatically assessing technical drawings with a drag-and-drop functionality.
Keep reading to learn more.
Drag and Drop Hundreds of Technical Drawings
Our customers often ask us: Can 3YOURMIND software estimate manufacturing costs and check available technologies from just technical drawings?
Yes, we can.
The new release makes it even easier for our users to analyze their drawings as they can now drag and drop them into 3YOURMIND.
Pictured: Drag and drop multiple files to view cost estimations and which printing technologies are most suitable.
This saves them a lot of time because they no longer have to contact various suppliers for price quotes to determine whether a part is economically feasible to produce with 3D printing. In addition, due to the simplicity and automation of the process, it gives more people within the company access to the technology.
Try it out!
Video: No need to upload part drawings one at a time. Now, you can bulk analyze technical drawings with drag and drop.
New Database of 800+ Industrial 3D Printers For All Technologies (Beta)
Our customers trust 3YOURMIND software when identifying parts for 3D printing. Last year, we released our database of more than 1,200 qualified materials containing equal amounts of plastic and metal materials, which our customers trust when pre-qualifying parts for on-demand manufacturing.
With the next releases, we’ll go even further and help our customers see which machines can produce their parts, either directly in-house or from the right suppliers.
The first major milestone in this direction is our technology-agnostic database of more than 800 industrial 3D printing machines from more than 100 vendors worldwide, which is available with our newest release.
Get in contact with our team to learn more about it.
Picture: 3YOURMIND features a technology-agnostic database of 800+ industrial AM machines.
Other Improvements at a Glance:
- Drag and drop hundreds of technical drawings at once for bulk assessment.
- Determine the right machine to produce your parts with our database of 800+ industrial 3D printers for all technologies.
- Generate automatic part reports, avoiding manual refresh.
- Status type is now connected to each step of the workflow for streamlined processes.
- Inventory analytics charts redirect users to the respective parts in AMPI.
- Several bug fixes.
For more details, see our release notes for 24.2.
This release is currently being rolled out to our SaaS customers. Updates should be available within the next few days if you still await updates.
For further information or feedback, please get in touch with our technical support helpdesk or contact us via email.

Best regards,
Stephan Galozy
Chief Product Officer